Discipleship Groups & Clubs
The Alpha Course
- Various Times
- Spring and September
- Parish Hall
- office@stmary-porchester.org.uk

The Alpha Course of 12 sessions is our basic course towards Christian commitment and discipleship. It is held twice a year, in the Spring and again in September. The course includes a meal, video presentation and discussion. It is excellent for those exploring the Christian faith, preparing for baptism or confirmation or just wanting to go over the foundations again.
Growing In Faith
- Various Times
- Various Days
- The Hub, Portchester Community Association
- office@stmary-portchester.org.uk

These are held variously on Wednesday or Thursday evenings (7pm – 8.30pm) or Saturday mornings (10am – 11.30am) at The Hub, Portchester Community Association. The Precinct. The maximum size of a group is around 25 people, but some groups are much smaller. So far, we have offered courses on Spirituality and Prayer, The Celtic Church, Overview of the Bible, Christian music and worship through the ages. These are ongoing throughout the year and are led by the clergy and lay leaders.
The Celtic Way – Course Outline Notes and Reference Links
Celtic Spirituality: An Embrace of Nature, Penitence, and Spiritual Growth
Small Mid-Week Groups
- Varied Times
- Varied Days
- Varied Locations
- office@stmary-porchester.org.uk

Also known as House Groups, they are held either weekly, fortnightly or monthly, mainly in homes but sometimes in other venues. We have around 10 of these meeting at present each with an average of around 10 people. They are a great means to get to know the faith and the bible at a deeper level, and are mainly lay-led and include discussion. We alternate between studying a topic and then a book of the Bible. We have a Thursday afternoon bible study group for younger women at the Hub, “Jennifer’s house group” which meets at the church on Tuesday afternoons and a “Faith and doubt” group which is more theological and meets once a month in a house to study a book.
Jennifer's House Group
- 1:30pm - 3:30pm
- Every Tuesday (Term Time)
- St Mary's Church
- office@stmary-portchester.org.uk

We aim to grow closer together as the early church did, by sharing in fellowship, prayer and bible study. Meeting as a group is another way of engaging with our faith. Small groups offer the chance to discuss, think about new things and hear different viewpoints, all of which might have new insights to offer. Feel free to contact our office to find out more.