Supporting Us
Our life together at St Mary’s is funded by donations from regular worshippers, friends of the Church and visitors. Your donation will go into our ‘General Fund’ and will be used to support a whole host of important aspects of Church life. Perhaps it may end up helping to fund repairs to the fabric of the ancient building, providing resources for the assemblies we lead in local schools, or financing the essential work we do with the bereaved or the housebound. Either way, we promise to put your donation to good use – we are very grateful for your support and generosity.
We also give a portion of all donations and regular giving to local, national and international charities.
Our life together at St Mary’s is funded by donations from regular worshippers, friends of the Church and visitors. Your donation will go into our ‘General Fund’ and will be used to support a whole host of important aspects of Church life. Perhaps it may end up helping to fund repairs to the fabric of the ancient building, providing resources for the assemblies we lead in local schools, or financing the essential work we do with the bereaved or the housebound. Either way, we promise to put your donation to good use – we are very grateful for your support and generosity.
We also give a portion of all donations and regular giving to local, national and international charities.
If you wish to (or currently) donate to us and you pay income tax please ensure you complete our gift aid form. Gift Aid is a Government scheme. It is a way for St Mary’s as a charity to increase the value of gifts of money from you as a UK taxpayer by claiming back the basic rate tax paid by you. We can claim back 25p from HMRC for every £1 donated to us. You can return it via email to or by post to: Parish Office, Portchester Parish Hall, Assheton Court, Portchester, PO16 9PY.
Parish Giving Scheme
St Mary’s Church is registered with the ‘Parish Giving Scheme’ allowing you to donate to us online, securely and safely. It offers you the choice to set up a regular payment or a one-off gift via direct debt. Please click on the link to open up our Parish Giving Scheme.

Simply send a text to 07380 307 800 containing SMCPPO16 give followed by the amount you wish to donate, (example: SMCPPO16 give £50). If you wish your donation to recur monthly or weekly just add a m or w after the amount, (example SMCPPO16 give £50 m – would give £50 a month).
Regular Standing Order

If you would prefer to set up a monthly standing order to pay the church a fixed amount every month please contact the office for a standing order form to be e-mailed to you.
Electronic Fund Transfer

If you’d like to make a donation (by electronic funds transfer) towards the ministry and mission of St Mary’s, then please contact the office on 02392 321380 for our bank details.
If you would like to make a one-off or a regular donation please open our ChurchSuite page or scan the QR code.
Easy Fundraising Scheme

Via regular online shopping. We have an EasyFundraising account, where a number of retailers donate to our Parish every time you shop online through their portal.

If you would prefer to make a payment by cheque please make it out to “St Mary’s PCC” and send it to the Parish Office, Portchester Parish Hall, Assheton Court, Portchester, PO16 9PY.

You are welcome to donate in cash. Please contact the Parish Office for some special envelopes to deposit the money at the Parish Office. There is also a secure cash donation receptacle in St. Mary’s Church building or tins for specific giving in the tearoom.

If you wish to consider leaving a Legacy to St. Mary’s church in your will please contact in confidence the Church Vicar. Contact details are available from the Parish Office.