Our Worship
Is there a typical Church of England? Probably not so much these days, as the Anglican Church is a lot broader and more inclusive. We are probably unique around here in that we are able to offer this breadth and diversity within the one church. Although somewhere “middle of the road” we are not easy to put into a box. Someone described our churchmanship as “incense and tambourines”!
This breadth is represented in the worship styles we offer. Our Parish Eucharist is liturgical (mainly Common Worship) with vestments worn by the clergy, a Server’s Team and incense on “high days and holy days.” The music is a mixture of traditional and contemporary hymns. Our Later Service is more informal with an emphasis on contemporary songs. Our preaching at all services is based on the Bible which we believe is Spirit-inspired, “the word of the Lord” and relevant for today.
We are a mixture of evangelical, charismatic and traditional but are able to hold all these together in love and unity as one church. Some people pop into both styles of worship, and we encourage this crossover.
This unity in diversity is also reflected in our clergy and ministry team which ranges from those of a more evangelical and charismatic style, to those of a more liberal one.
So rather than pigeon-hole us, let’s just say we are “Christians”.
Although of a more “mature” age range, we are growing mainly through younger people and families joining us.
St Mary’s has a reputation for being welcoming, loving and with an emphasis on pastoral care, and helping people to find Jesus.
We are engaging with the diocesan vision of “Jesus centred – Kingdom seeking” people. For several years we have been working through the principles in the book and renewal programme “Divine Renovation.”
While we would encourage people to believe in God, come to church, and be nice ….. we don’t think that’s all Jesus meant when he called and calls people to follow him. Being a Christian means “a conversion of life” (as the Benedictines say), a growing relationship with Jesus and a fruitful, serving life through the power of the Holy Spirit.
At St Mary’s we’re not there yet, and we hope this website does not exaggerate who we are, but hopefully we are pointing in the right direction and moving. We’re not a perfect church, but if you want to journey and grow with us, you are very welcome to share your life and gifts with us as we “pray, grow in faith together and become a caring and welcoming church family reaching out with the love of God into our local community and world.”
Ian Meredith, Vicar.